Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Dream

Since opening the birth center, one of our dreams has been for it to be bigger than us. We invited other midwives to deliver there in hopes that more and more women would have wonderful birth experiences. Today one of the local midwives delivered her first baby at the center. I was so pleased and feel it is the beginning of a very nice relationship.
She called me a little after 7 am to let me know she was there with her client and asked if I would be the second midwife. I arrived a little before 8 am. Everything was set up and mom was laboring well in the tub. This was her fifth baby, but the first out of hospital birth experience. She delivered a beautiful, healthy baby a bit after 9 am. The couple was so appreciative of the experience. They liked not being ordered around and told what to do. She said she felt better after this delivery than any other and the baby was so peaceful and calm, unlike their other babies. It was such a good feeling to have been a part of it.
My hope is this will happen more and more often as others hear of the center.

1 comment:

  1. This was a lovely story. I pray for the same thing. I hope the center is as successful as any of the hospitals around.

